Sleep Clinic Transcription

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Simplify your Sleep Clinics’ Administrative Tasks with our Smart Transcription Solutions

DigitScribe’s reliable transcription services for sleep clinics allow physicians to focus on their treatment procedure and help them increase their productivity and profitability. Our precise and accurate transcription services allow sleep clinics to get away with the time consuming documentation work of the patients’ records, which not only saves them considerable amount of cost but also provides them with exceptional and error-free transcription services. Protecting and safeguarding the privacy and personal health information of the patients is our top priority and we adhere to all safety and security measures to ensure it. Our working systems are highly secured and are modeled according to HIPAA guidelines and regulations

Expert and Experienced Transcriptionists Team

Outsourcing the transcription services is worth only if the task is outsourced to a company that ensures 100% accurate transcripts in the shortest turnaround time. We are proud to say that DigitScribe is a highly acknowledged and trusted name in the field of medical transcription services, which is serving the clients all-over with exceptional transcription services for several sleep clinics, hospitals, healthcare facilities, physicians as well as medical practitioners. Our highly experienced and trained transcriptionists deliver accurate transcripts and letters for sleep clinics in quickest possible time. Our sleep clinics specialized transcriptionists team is well-versed with the terminology pertaining to sleep disorders and their treatments like:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Snoring
  • Insomnia
  • Other sleep related problems

Simple and Hassle-free Transcription Process

Physicians and doctors have relied on DigitScribe for fast and accurate transcription of their sleep order treatments and reports. Clinicians of the sleep clinics audio record their observations into a digital recorder and on completing the sleep disorder report, the dictation is transferred to the computer with the help of USB, which is later uploaded on our server to get it transcribed. Our transcriptionists transcribe the sent report into written documents. The transcriptions can easily be viewed by our clients by logging in to our server and directly downloading the reports on their computer.

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